How To Install The OEM Fuel Line Upgrade Kit In 93+ Mazda RX-7s

Short Description
This document is intended to help guide you with the installation of the Mazda “Fuel Line Upgrade Kit” (part number N3A1-13-S70A - $63.25) and is in no way intended to be a complete instructional “how-to”. You should have confidence in your mechanical abilities before attempting the following procedure. If you are unsure if you can finish the installation, consult with your local Mazda dealer or mechanic. If you are not comfortable doing this maintenance by yourself, ask a friend to help and work as a team. A pizza and some drinks can go a long way.a

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Read through this entire document in advance and have the factory service manual (FSM) available for any specific maintenance practices, procedures, and torque specifications. Having plenty of time to perform the procedure is recommended, as is a clean work environment.
Before disconnecting any fuel line, depressurize the fuel system using the procedure outlined in the FSM to minimize fuel loss. Do the same for the cooling system by removing the filler cap. Since you will be disconnecting coolant lines, make sure you have some premixed coolant available to replenish the system when the job is complete. Make sure you have something available to plug these lines to minimize the loss of fluids. If you spill any fuel and coolant on the engine, clean it up before starting reassembly (use standard precautions and procedures for removing spilled fuel and coolant from painted surfaces).
Next, seal all air, fuel, and coolant orifices with clean rags, tape, plugs, or plastic upon disassembly to prevent foreign objects entering and causing accidental internal damage. Make sure all such barriers are removed and accounted for during reassembly. This may seem like common sense, but it’s very important. A turbo won’t spin well with a shop rag wrapped around it. Also, since you will have access to the “rats nest” of vacuum lines, consider the opportunity to replace them if not done already. Make sure you have the necessary materials available to minimize downtime.
This is also a good opportunity to send the fuel injectors out for cleaning and blueprinting, especially if you suspect they are suffering poor performance. Additionally, if you’ve been contemplating upgrading to higher flow injectors, you may want to have the parts on hand prior to performing the following procedure. An instruction document on how to install stock 850cc secondary injectors in lieu of the 550cc primaries is available from the author (see “How To Replace Stock 550cc Primary Injectors With OEM 850cc Injectors In The 93+ RX-7”).
Finally, label parts and electrical connectors as you take them apart to take the guesswork out of reassembly. This saves time by creating efficiency. All things considered, the kit goes together easily as most of the parts are self-explanatory. The pictures throughout this document were provided by Martin Crane, except Figure-1, which was provided by Jeff Hoskinson. They are intended to help clarify any questions you may have during the installation.

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