Short Description
Installation of a Performance Automotive Group suspension lift kit will change the vehicle’s center of gravity and handling characteristics both on- and off-road. You must drive the vehicle safely! Extreme care must be taken to prevent vehicle rollover or loss of control, which could result in serious injury or death. Avoid sudden sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers and always make sure all vehicle occupants have their seat belts fastened.
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Proper installation of this kit requires knowledge of the factory recommended procedures for removal and installation of original equipment components. We recommend that the factory shop manual and any special tools needed to service your vehicle be on hand during the installation. Installation of this kit without proper knowledge of the factory recommended procedures may affect the performance of these components and the safety of the vehicle. We strongly recommend that a certified mechanic familiar with the installation of similar components install this kit.
Adhere to recommendations when replacement fasteners, retainers and keepers are called out in the factory service manual. When re-assembling the vehicle it is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer that certain fasteners are replaced in order to maintain proper retention characteristics. This system may not include all replacement hardware as recommended by the factory service manual. Additional replacement hardware should be obtained prior to installation of this system to meet the requirements of the factory service manual.
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