Short Description
Congratulations on your purchase of the KAWASAKI 800 Thunder Air Filter Kit. We’re sure you’ll be pleased with the new level of performance you’ll experience. This kit should be installed on bikes with After Market Exhaust Pipes only and jetted, (not included). We recommend that an experienced mechanic perform this conversion. It is very helpful to have the appropriate Kawasaki service manual on hand for reference. Remember gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explosive under certain conditions. Work in a well-ventilated area and clean up any spills immediately. Check for leaks before riding.
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1. Turn the fuel tap to the ON position.
2. Remove fuel hose and fuel tap vacuum hose.
3. Remove seat.
4. Remove Speedo Dash Plaque, lower center bolt only. Lift up and disconnect speedo cable and unplug electrical connections.
5. Remove fuel tank and bolts.
6. Remove two bolts on top of the Air Cleaner housing.
7. Remove Air Chrome Cover and filter.
8. Remove the Air Cleaner Housing from Carburetor. Disconnect the engine breather Hose and vacuum valve hose.
9. Remove carburetor holder plate.
10. Loosen the carburetor clamp screw.
11. See Shop Manual for complete removal.
12. Pull Carburetor forward and off.
13. Jetting and needle changes may be made with carburetor hanging loose.
14. Be sure to keep intake clean and covered. Keep dirt out of engine.
15. Drain float bowl - 3mm Allen - very bottom of carburetor
16. Remove float bowl 4 (#2 Phillips) let hang down.
17. Remove main jet. If Emulsion tube comes out use 8mm and flat tip to separate jet from emulsion tube.
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