Short Description
Celan the carburetor in a well-ventilated area, and take care that there is no sparks or flame anywhere near the working area; this includes any appliance with a pilot light. Because of the danger of highly flammable liquids, do no use gasoline or low flash-point solvents to clean the carburetors.
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- Remove: Air Cleaner and Related Parts (see Cleaner Body).
- Turn the fuel shut off valve to the OFF position.
- Drain the carburetor.
- Disconnect the fuel tube at the fuel inlet joint [A] of the carburetor.
- Disconnnect the solenoid valve lead terminal and remove the earth terminal (Electric Starter Model).
- Unhook the throttle link spring [B] at the throttle shaft lever [C] top end with a long nose plier.
- Unhook the throttle [D] and choke link rods [E] at he top ends of their arms while pull of the carburetor - FH451V, 500V, 531V.
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