Short Description
The shift lever feels hard to move from gear to gear, or the manual transmission pops out of 2nd or 5th gear, usually during deceleration. The shift cable end is corroded at the transmission, which causes a stiff feeling when shifting (this may also cause the transmission to pop out of gear). The clearance between the interlock and transmission case wall is too large, and 2nd or 5th gear tooth contact length is too short, causing the transmission to pop out of gear.
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Replace the cable bushings if corroded, or replace the transmission case housing, 1-2 shift fork, 2nd gear set, 1st gear, and 5th gear.
Test-drive the vehicle. Shift through all five gears and then back down to 2nd, and check if it is difficult to shift into gear. Accelerate at wide open throttle in 2nd or 5th gear, and quickly release the gas pedal; do this several times.
• If the transmission only has a stiff feel when shifting, go to REPAIR PROCEDURE A.
• If the transmission only pops out of gear, go to REPAIR PROCEDURE B.
• If the transmission has a stiff feel when shifting and pops out of gear, do REPAIR PROCEDURE A first, and then do REPAIR PROCEDURE B if needed.
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